from her series British Youth:

from her series The Firm:

from her series Pleasure Island:

from her series Muse:

Process. Fragments. Notes. Film.
“As soon as you finish a film, people want you to talk about it. And… the film is the talking. The film is the thing. So you go see the film. That’s the thing. It’s a whole thing. It is there. And that is it.”David Lynch
"Economy. Racine (to his son Louis): "Je connais assez votre ècriture sans que vous soyez obligé de mettre votre nom." [I know your handwriting well enough, without your having to sign your name]"
"As we arrived in Orellana, the young men were playing soccer, among them the teacher. Today the village is known once more by its Indian name, Wawaim. Apparently rumours are swirling around to the effect that we are planning to dig a canal from the Rio Cenepa to the Rio Marañón, and that that will dry up the fields. A fairly young, intelligent-looking man with long hair asked me whether filming or being filmed could do harm, whether it could destroy a person. In my heart, the answer was yes, but I said no."