This is Niederhauser's site.
Here are some of the aforementioned pics.
Guai Li. photograph by Matthew Niederhauser.
live at D-22. photograph by Matthew Niederhauser.
Dement. photograph by Matthew Niederhauser.
Process. Fragments. Notes. Film.
"It is a film, it is all a construction. But even so, it hurts."From Reconstruction
The Function of Art / 1The mix tapes a friend of mine gives to me at my birthday, year after year.
Diego had never seen the sea. His father, Santiago Kovadloff, took him to discover it.
They went south.
The ocean lay beyond high sand dunes, waiting.
When the child and his father finally reached the dunes after much walking, the ocean exploded before their eyes. And so immense was the sea and its sparkle that the child was struck dumb by the beauty of it.
and when he finally managed to speak, trembling, stuttering, he asked his father: "Help me to see!"*
OrdinanceThis photo.
I had arrived in Riga to visit a woman friend. Her house, the town, the language were unfamiliar to me. Nobody was expecting me, nobody knew me. For two hours I walked the streets in solitude. Never again have I seen them so. From every gate a flame darted, each cornerstone sprayed sparks, and ever streetcar came towards me like a fire-engine. For she might have stepped out of the gateway, around the corner, been sitting in the streetcar. But of the two of us I had to be, at any price, the first to see the other. For had she touched me with the match of her eyes, I should have gone up like a magazine.**
"To “happily accept” is something I question. Why are we happy? Are we drunk on something? Or are we getting used to this and becoming so numb that we don’t question things anymore?"
"As filmmakers, what we strive for is not to be above or beyond our characters, not to dominate our characters, and not to show them as role models or images. We try to preserve in them a dark side, and really be with them and among them."