Monday, June 18, 2012


A week offline found me wandering in New Caledonia, where we were taken out to the remote island of Maré for a special festival presentation of the Festival International du film documentaire océanien in the tribal village of Wakuaori. Extraordinary times. A small church filled with varied villagers was the theatre. Lazy afternoon sun made the experience a sweltering, sleep inducing haze, but the screenings were a beautiful thing. We wandered around, talking little and smiling a lot (the local languages were French and Nengoné) but gaps in communication didn't stop the locals from inviting us to be a part of mourning ceremonies, kava benders, feasts of coconut crabs and flying fox and wild pig, conversations about colonialism and resistance movements and languid sessions of coffee drinking. Some photos...



Anonymous said...

Hello there. You make beautiful things and your writings cast a rhythmic calm over my head. Can I ask you what camera you were using on this particular trip? x

The Buoy Archives said...

thankyou, thankyou... "a rhythmic calm"... I really love the idea of that... many thanks... as for the camera... on this trip it was a 5Dmk2 with a 50mm after dusk and a 24mm-105mm during the day...

Hi! said...

Thank you. xx